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Ensuring Mobile Devices Meet 2024 Federal Security Requirements for Zero Trust

Security isn’t a “nice to have” in the federal government. It’s a necessity. The standard for federal agencies is a zero trust infrastructure, which means that every device, network, service, and user must have multiple levels of security and authentication to keep confidential government information safe. With the Sept. 30 deadline drawing closer for federal civilian […]

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How Rugged Mobile Solutions Support the Renewable Energy Transition

For utility leaders in 2024, the energy transition is top of mind. Experts predict that to reach 100% carbon-free electricity in the U.S. by 2035, annual installation rates of renewable infrastructure in the coming years need to nearly double compared to 2023. That means the already limited utility workforce is not only taxed with maintaining current infrastructure […]

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The State of Technology for Law Enforcement

2023 continued to bring challenges for law enforcement agencies. They had to keep up with increasing crime rates while working to recruit new talent and retain existing officers and deputies. Recognizing the seriousness of this challenge, the Justice Department even issued a report aimed at improving police hiring nationwide.  This is an ongoing challenge — […]

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The Rugged Tools Every Field Service Technician Needs

Utilities and renewable energy companies are on the front lines of the energy transition. They must build, connect, and operate new energy sources while also maintaining the existing grid infrastructure. At the same time, extreme weather risks are on the rise, from record heat to more frequent storms. These challenges are putting pressure on the […]

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The Growing Challenges of Remote Work in Highly Secure Government Organizations

At a time when remote work has become the norm for many professionals, the practice of “work from anywhere” is now part of even the most highly secure organizations. This introduces a unique set of challenges distinct from those the average office worker faces. The stakes are significantly higher, with rapid deployments, mobilization activities, data […]

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Why 2024 Tech Deployments Will Center on Support Services Just as Much as Hardware

A recent survey uncovered the main driver behind digital transformation efforts in 2024: boosting business productivity. Technology is key to enhancing employee efficiency — it allows them to digitize manual processes and streamline communication and data collection. However, an abundance of new technology deployed at once can place a burden on IT teams. This poses […]

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3 Ways Frontline Modular Laptops Can Support Federal Operations

Information technology is a major component of frontline federal operations. Fast and reliable real-time communication is what prepares the the 1.3 million active-duty and reserves forces to deploy at any moment. With such critical connectivity on the line, agencies need the the very best in rugged, modular laptops and mobile technology. The U.S. military recognizes […]

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Upgrading to Windows 11: Should you DIY?

Microsoft has implemented a phased rollout for Windows 11 since releasing the operating system in October 2021. As public sector agencies, utilities and enterprises consider upgrading to Windows 11 from Windows 10, many may remember the hassles and challenges associated with the migration from Windows 7 when Microsoft stopped supporting that OS in 2020. Failing […]

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Technology and Law Enforcement: What’s Important to Leaders?

In a recent survey of law enforcement professionals, we asked about their top priorities for work and technology in the immediate future. We found that leaders were most concerned about employee experience and internal operations. To address these concerns, agencies are focusing on how they can use technology to streamline internal operations and help staff […]

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Digital Transformation is Defining the Future of Utilities

Digital transformation in the energy and utility industry will continue to drive operational efficiency and a service transformation for customers. By focusing on modernizing assets and infrastructure — from power generation to production to transmission and distribution — utility companies can improve communication and reduce service downtime for customers. This is supported by innovative digital […]

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