[Infographic] Find Out What You Need for FirstNet
When first responders are faced with a crisis, a reliable and secure communication channel is essential throughout the response and recovery process. FirstNet is a nationwide communications platform dedicated to public safety to help first responders connect to the critical information they need every day and in every emergency. With FirstNet services, emergency personnel, such as fire, police and EMTs across the nation have priority access and preemption, without concerns about throttling or network congestion.
FirstNet services bridge the gap between disparate teams, and allow the seamless transmission of resources, like voice calls, images and videos, to provide public safety agencies with near real-time information and intelligence critical to accomplishing their mission. FirstNet enables first responders and those supporting them to respond more quickly and effectively to time-sensitive emergencies, so they can focus on what matters most—saving lives.
Emergency preparedness starts with the right tools. When dealing with a disaster of any magnitude, public safety must be equipped with purpose-built devices that are just as reliable as the network they operate on. Check out our infographic to discover why Toughbook and FirstNet are such a powerful pairing.
Panasonic is proud to offer the most diverse line-up of FirstNet compatible mobile devices. Visit us at toughbookfirstresponder.com to learn more about the Toughbook FirstNet family, and how you can transition your devices to a FirstNet rate plan.