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Implement (113)

Why IT Needs Enterprise Mobility Solutions in the Last Mile

Modern IT departments have a lot of responsibilities. And with nearly 41% of modern workforces utilizing some form of remote work, the challenges they face are only increasing. To avoid being stretched too thin, IT workers use an array of enterprise mobility solutions to maintain security and functionality when it comes to business technology. But […]

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Unleashing the Power of Rugged Military Technology for MRO

Rugged military technology plays a crucial role in helping the United States military and its personnel achieve their objectives. Whether it’s managing combat operations, providing humanitarian assistance, or intercepting terrorist activity, the U.S. military must be ready to handle a wide range of operations — very often at a moment’s notice. The military also must […]

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Police Technology for Maintaining CJIS Compliance

When it comes to police technology, security is a major concern. Law enforcement officers at every level handle sensitive data daily, which places them at increased risk for cyberattacks. Furthermore, police departments must adhere to stringent regulations and requirements to maintain access to federal databases. My colleague Marcus Claycomb, Panasonic Connect’s mobility business development manager, […]

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5 Enterprise Mobility Solutions For Gas and Oil Field Jobs

With rapid advancements, rugged enterprise mobility solutions in the oil and gas industry are helping companies improve processes, enhance productivity, increase efficiency, and improve worker productivity and safety. Enterprise mobility describes a work approach that finds employees using tablets, laptops, and smartphones to do their jobs from anywhere. Enterprise mobility solutions have a profound impact […]

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Rugged Laptops in Renewable Energy: Enhancing Field Operations and Efficiency

Renewable energy companies, including manufacturers, generation providers, contractors, consultants, and engineers for renewable energy projects, are at the heart of the energy transition. Incorporating technology that supports a more sustainable future for field operations is an important step in building an end-to-end business model focused on decarbonization and responsible resource usage. Rugged laptops may seem […]

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2024: The Year We Revolutionize Employee Experience

From law enforcement and utility workers to heavy machinery operators and vehicle technicians, leaders have had to manage and overcome staffing issues over the course of 2023. 87% of police officers work in departments that are not fully staffed. Meanwhile, the utilities sector will confront a rising retiree pool over the next few years. The […]

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Which Laptop Provides the Best Support for Military Technology?

Strength, technological superiority and preparedness for any situation: these are the hallmarks of the United States Armed Forces. They’re also the qualities needed in our military technology, from the most advanced weapons systems to the mobile devices soldiers use in the field. Military laptops are no exception — whether employed in training operations or combat […]

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Essential Firefighter Gear: Why Firefighting Teams Need Rugged Laptops

Fighting fires is a dangerous business, where mere seconds can mean the difference between saving lives and property or untold disaster. The right firefighter gear, such as rugged laptops, has now become as necessary as water hoses, oxygen masks and protective clothing. A recent survey of fire rescue professionals revealed a growing demand among firefighters […]

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4 Ways to Overcome Your Biggest Yard Management Challenges

Amid rising labor costs, inflation, and constrained resources, yard management and business success are more closely linked than ever before. Tightly managing and controlling yard activities keeps your operation lean, boosting productivity and profitability.  In addition to streamlining business processes, improving yard management can also enhance the worker experience for employees. Connecting your workers with […]

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3 Ways Rugged Laptops Benefit Field Service Technicians

It’s no secret that a utility field service technician constantly faces difficult working conditions, whether they’re clearing power lines in undeveloped areas with dense vegetation or restoring power, water, or gas services in storm-ravaged locations. This means utility crews need the toughest, most reliable gear to get the job done. Field techs rely on cutting-edge […]

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